FollowerAudit API

Bulk audit unlimited Twitter accounts, get fake followers percentage, FA score, and detailed Twitter followers audit stats in JSON format for easy web and app integration.

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Bulk Followers Audit of Unlimited Twitter Accounts

Get fake followers ratio, FA Score and detailed Twitter Audit stats of your or any public Twitter account in JSON format for Web Integration

How to get access to FollowerAudit API?

To get access to FollowerAudit API (Application Programming Interface), contact us with your request and we will get back to you asap.

Get the FollowerAudit API fast and start auditing lots of Twitter accounts.

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run audit through API
Run Twitter Followers Audit through API

FollowerAudit API is extremely easy to use. Here is the procedure to perform an Audit.

  • First, enter your API key in the request header as bearer-token
  • Enter "Twitter ID" or "Twitter username" of the Twitter user whose followers audit you want to run.
  • Get the results in JSON format and use it anywhere you want.

If the audit of a Twitter user was previously done, then you will get its previous Audit stats. To get the current Twitter audit stats use the "refresh" parameter.

Get the Latest Twitter followers audit Report

To get the latest Twitter followers audit report of a Twitter user whose audit you had previously done, use the "refresh" parameter.

  • First, enter your API key in the request header as "bearer-token" parameter
  • Enter "Twitter ID" or "Twitter Username" of the Twitter user whose latest Twitter audit report you wish to get.
  • Use the "refresh" parameter and put the value "1" and run the process of user followers audit.

On running a refresh you will get an "audit_id" in return from which you can track the current status of the audit. Once the audit is complete, it will return the latest FA score with detailed Twitter audit stats in JSON format as result.

get latest audit report
bulk twitter account audit
Bulk Twitter followers audit

In the bulk Twitter followers audit feature you can run audit of various Twitter accounts at a time.

  • First, enter your API key in the request header as "bearer-token" parameter
  • Enter "Twitter username" or "Twitter ID" of the Twitter users whose audit you wish to get. (Note: Enter a comma after each Twitter user’s "username" or "Twitter ID" for the audit to run successfully without any errors.)
  • Get detailed audit report of each user in JSON format and use them anywhere you want.

Twitter users whose FA score and Twitter audit stats are already present in your database, FollowerAudit API will return those reports as result, and if you are running Twitter audit of a new user and their audit is not complete at the moment, you will get an "audit_id" in return to track their current audit status.

Track Audit Status

You can check the status of your Audit report with some simple steps:

  • When you run an audit of a Twitter user & their audit is still in the process you will get an "audit_id" in return.
  • You can track the latest status of audit report with that Audit ID.
  • To track the status enter your API key in the request header as "bearer-token" parameter.
  • Then enter your Audit ID in the "audit_id" key.
  • You will get the latest status of the audit report in return.

You will get the following status in return:

  • In Progress: This status means the audit is still in process and hasn't been completed yet.
  • Completed: If the audit is completed then on status tracking you will get the audit report in JSON format in return.
  • Failed: If the Twitter ID or username entered is incorrect, you will get failed status in return on the status tracking.
track audit status
FollowerAudit API Web Integration
Web Integration with FollowerAudit API

FollowerAudit API provides fake followers percentage, FA score and Twitter audit stats in JSON format for easy web integration.

You can source data from FollowerAudit API and structure it on your website for easy data access, fast results, and better management.

Benefits and Application of FollowerAudit API

Key benefits and application of using FollowerAudit API

Followers Growth Rate Benefits
Bulk Twitter followers audit

Run Twitter followers audit of multiple Twitter accounts in bulk.
Get accurate FA scores and detailed Twitter audit stats of each user.
This bulk audit feature will make the process of auditing much easier for you and a lot more time-saving.

Track Twitter Followers
FA Score & Twitter followers audit stats

Get the FA score and detailed Twitter followers audit stats in JSON format, which makes the automation of the Twitter audit report easier and gives a better analysis of the stats.

Check who followed or unfollowed you
Easy Web Integration

Get easy web integration with FollowerAudit API.
Since data is provided in JSON format it makes web integration easy for any user worldwide.
Web integration gives better management of the data, easy access to functions, and faster data updates.

Analyze your competitors follower
Access to FollowerAudit Dashboard

With FollowerAudit API, you will also get access to our dashboard.
The dashboard will be updated whenever you will run an audit using the API, and you can view the audit report in JSON format as well as in FollowerAudit’s report format which is represented in a beautiful graphical format.