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In business marketing, technology presents an opportunity to respond to the marketplace. Consumer preferences and behaviours adapt, change, and evolve. The purchase journey changes over time, and technology influences the buyer’s decision.

Technology is often used discreetly in business marketing. Much of it is used to engage first, educate second, and nurture. Just because a lead doesn’t convert immediately does not mean they won’t. That’s why businesses need to market accordingly.

Check out these technology ideas for your business marketing efforts.

Customer relationship management, or CRM software, helps you track leads, automate follow-up communications, and manage customer data. You can improve conversion rates and customer retention by monitoring interactions as you nurture leads.

Use IoT Devices In-Store

IoT motion sensors and activity trackers can teach us a lot. For example, they can time, observe, and analyze customer behaviour. This can help us optimize our in-store activities to deliver a more personalized customer experience.

Promote Your Brand on Social Media

Social media marketing offers over a dozen major channels to promote your brand and its products or services. Create an interactive space on your profile where customers can interact with you, ask questions, have conversations, and buy directly from you.

Contests and Rewards to Like and Share

Many of your customers will meet and interact with you for the first time on social media. Use contests, discounts, and rewards to attract more likes, shares, and interactions and expand your brand’s reach.

Tap Into Digital Signage Power

This marketing strategy uses digital signage software throughout a business space. It catches the eye with big colours, moving images, and interactive messaging. Digital signage presents dynamic content that uniquely builds your brand identity.

Create an Online Education Platform

Launch an online platform where customers can learn about your business, industry, and relevant topics. Free content and education will associate your brand with authority and expertise, attracting more customers and sales.

Make an App or Software

If it makes sense, develop an app or software to engage clients in a new arena. Apps and software can further enhance your brand, especially when hosted directly on your website.

Market Customer Reviews

Encourage customers to leave social media reviews, Google reviews, product and service reviews, and any type of review relevant to your company. Use this as word-of-mouth marketing, reinforcing your business quality and what you sell.

Create Animated Explainer Videos

Video marketing has a high ROI. Animated explainer videos can offer quick, engaging stories. They can establish a problem, show the fix, and emphasize the outcome in seconds. Clear, concise, and understandable animated videos can deliver big leads.

Be a Thought-Leader in Content

Post relevant, one-of-a-kind content unique to you. You are a thought leader in asserting dominance in your local market. Free content delivery over time organically creates awareness that you are a knowledgeable, trustworthy, and legitimate business.

Track the Conversation Online

Use social listening tools to track brand mentions online and monitor customer sentiment as it rises or falls. What you receive in reports can guide marketing strategies and crisis management.

Using AI to Analyze Customer Behaviour

AI tools can analyze customer interactions and behaviours and deliver more personalized marketing based on their findings. Catering to individual preferences has delivered a better return for businesses using AI, automation, and software.

Create an Interaction with Augmented Reality

AR, or augmented reality, creates an immersive experience for customers who may not expect it. It is a technique used to visualize themselves in an environment or using a product. AR is a valuable technology in the retail, home décor, and automotive industries.

Use Informal Live Video to Authentically Connect

A series of live videos, Q&A videos, or event streams is a smart investment, especially if you need brand awareness. A live video can generate interest in a product or your company, present you as an expert, create new content, and foster a genuine connection.

Increase Marketing Efficiency with Software

Tap into digital marketing software that lets you streamline repetitive tasks. It provides you access to tools to complete your email marketing campaigns, social media postings, and website conversions, all from a single platform.

Implement Chatbots for 24/7 Support

Chatbots can offer 24/7 support, answer queries, and collect information for your company. This improves customer service and requires no human intervention, further nurturing captured leads.

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